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PGP Guided Tour: Index
Tour Index


PGP Galleries
Page Description
PGP Setup PGP Installation, PGP On the Desktop, Key Pair Generation, Public Key Posting
PGPmail PGPmail: Encryption/Decryption, Signing/Verifying, Outlook Express Plugin
PGPdisk PGPdisk, File Shredding, Disk Wiping, File Encryption/Descryption, File Signing/Verifying 
GnuPG Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) tour (w/ GPGShell & WinPT)
Note: Click on the thumbnail pictures in the galleries to view full-size screenshots.

Baffled By PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)?

You've undoubtedly heard of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Maybe you've even downloaded and installed it. Maybe you haven't. Perhaps you were intimidated by all that "crypto stuff" and couldn't really figure out what to do with PGP once you had it installed. If you're curious about PGP and would like to see a bit more of it so you can get some idea of what it's like to use PGP, then you might be interested in a little "guided tour" of PGP that I put together.

What's In the Tour

This "guided tour" of PGP consists of a set of screenshot galleries with brief accompanying text notes. It is designed to give you a decent overview of all the main functionality of PGP (the screenshots are from PGP Desktop Security 6.5.8). The tour covers such topics as:

  • PGP Installation

  • PGP On the Desktop

  • Key Pair Generation 

  • Public Key Posting 

  • Email Encryption/Decryption

  • Email Signing/Verifying 

  • Outlook Express Plugin

  • PGPdisk

  • File Shredding

  • Disk Wiping

  • File Encryption/Descryption

  • File Signing/Verifying 

There's even a "bonus" gallery that provides a brief tour of the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) along with two popular front-ends to GPG (GPGShell and WinPT).

What's Not In the Tour

If you're a crypto guru, you probably won't find much of interest here, unfortunately. This "guided tour" of PGP was originally assembled for my students, most (if not all) of whom are completely new to crypto and PGP. Thus, you won't find any meaty discussions of such things as key types/sizes, algorithms, trust models, hashes, et al. Nor do I cover every last aspect of configuring PGP's many options. If you're not a crypto guru and you're intrigued by PGP, however, this might be just the "tour" you need to take.

More Information On PGP

If this "guided tour" of PGP gets you interested enough to want more information, you can look into some of the following pages on my web site:

For general info on PGP, including many intro guides and overviews:


For general crypto info, including introductions to cryptography, see:


And for a guide to the many versions of PGP that you can find on the Internet, have a look at:


That page also includes links to GPG as well as GPG front-ends.

Finally, you also ought to check out Tom McCune's highly recommended "PGP Page":


...as well as his "PGP Questions & Answers" page:


I hope this "guided tour" is of interest or use to you.

All the best,

Eric L. Howes

You can get my PGP public keys HERE.

© 2000, 2001, 2002 Eric L. Howes (eburger68@myrealbox.com)

/ô¦ô¦ô td width="25%" bgcolor="#FFCCCC" align="center" >Shot Caption Comments Select File(s) to Wipe It's easy to securely delete (or shred) files with PGP. Using the PGP Tools toolbar (accessible from the Start menu or PGPtray), we select Wipe, then specify the files we wish to wipe (or shred). Are you sure you want to
secure delete these files?  PGP asks us if we are sure that we want to secure wipe these files, because once we do, we won't be able to get them back. Wiping File(s)... And here is PGP wiping (shredding) the files we selected. PGP - Disk Wiping Shot