The State of WhenU Detections
(3 Oct. 2005)

App/Defs Ad-aware CtrSpy McAfee Msft Pest Patrol Spybot S&D Spy Catcher Spy Sweeper Spyware Doctor Trend Micro X-cleaner ZeroSw.
Save! X Q X I X X X X X X X Q
WhenUSearch X I X I X X X X X X X Q
ClockSync X I X I X X X X X X X Q
Weathercast X I X I X X X X X X X Q

Notes: Four WhenU apps were installed onto a test computer: Save!, WhenUSearch, ClockSync, Weathercast. Twelve anti-spyware applications were then run, all with the latest publicly available program versions and definitions for those products. No removals were performed.

Older reports: July 2005

I = ZeroSpyware, CounterSpy, or Microsoft AntiSpyware detects, but presents default action of "Ignore"
Q = ZeroSpyware, CounterSpy, or Microsoft AntiSpyware detects, and presents default action of "Quarantine"
R = CounterSpy or Microsoft AntiSpyware detects, and presents default action of "Remove"
X = application detects and presents threat to user (no default action)
--- = application does not detect threat

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